Businesses that locate within the 1,400-square-mile Fredericksburg Region have a strategic location from which to serve markets all up and down the East Coast — in fact, more than 60% of the nation’s population lives within 750 miles of here. Situated halfway between Washington, DC, and Richmond, VA, the Region also offers easy access to the global marketplace, and has proven profitable for a wide range of both national and international businesses.
- Land Area: 1,397 Sq. Mi.
- 2018 Population: 351,482
- Civilian Labor Force: 178,842
- Extended Labor Market: 2,099,526
- GRP: $14.54 Billion
- Over 7,700 Business Establishments

Interstate 95, the East Coast’s main north-south corridor, runs right through the Region, providing connections to twelve other interstate highways. Three major international airports and two large seaports are within a 2-hour drive. And regular freight and passenger railway service is also readily available.
- 3 international airports and 2 general aviation airports
- 2 seaports within 2 hours
- Passenger and freight rail service
Military Installations
The Fredericksburg Region is home to 3 military installations and over 6,000 active duty military personnel, many of which retire or transition into government and private sector jobs. Major contracting offices Marine Corp Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM) and Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren (NWSC) are located within the region creating a economic impact in the billions of dollars to our regional economy. Every year Fort A.P. Hill attracts thousands of armed forces personnel from all over the Mid-Atlantic region to there state of the art training facilities.