Think you know the Fredericksburg Region? Below are the list of the top 5 things you probably already know about the region. Be sure to check out our website next week for the top 5 things you SHOULD know about FredRegion.

Top 5 Things You Know About FredRegion

Civil War Battlefields

The Greater Fredericksburg Region, consisting of the City of Fredericksburg and Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford, has the highest density of Civil War battlefields in the United States.

Not Located in Texas

Though we share the same name as Fredericksburg, Texas, the Fredericksburg Region of Virginia is located in between the capital of the state, Richmond, and the capital of the country, Washington D.C.

George Washington’s Association

The first president of the United States’ boyhood home, Ferry Farm, is located across the Rappahannock River in Stafford County. The homes of Washington’s sister, brother and mother are also located in the region in the historic downtown area of the City of Fredericksburg.

Prince of Wales

Founded in 1728, the City of Fredericksburg is named after the Prince of Wales. Downtown street names also follow with names of royal family members and important historical American figures connected with the City.

Major Trading Port

In the colonial era, Fredericksburg served as a major river trading port. Today, the region is conveniently located on Interstate 95, the primary travel artery on the east coast of the United States.

And there it is, the top 5 things you (probably) already know about the Fredericksburg Region! Be sure to check back next week on the top 5 things you SHOULD know about the region.